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Wait for Session Ended Request (Alexa) v3.0.3 Help

Starts the Flow when a session ended request is received from Alexa but is not handled in another Flow.

Note: Steps of the Alexa toolkit work only with existing custom Alexa skills with the method to host your skill's backend resources selected as Provision your own. The skill interaction model must be built with intents and slots on the Amazon developer colsole prior to building solutions with the Alexa toolkit.

How can I use the Step?

This Step is used to build a Flow that starts when the end user or Alexa ends the current session. This is useful if you need to build a separate Flow that catches and processes each instance of Alexa returning the sessionEndedRequest.

Note: By default, the Request Response (Alexa), Request Confirmation (Alexa) and Advanced Request Response (Alexa) Steps handle sessionEndedRequest in their Flow but can be set up to trigger this Step.

The End Session (Alexa) and Advanced End Session (Alexa) Steps send a request to Alexa to end the current session and cannot be used to trigger this Step.

How does the Step work?

You select an authorization and a skill. The Flow proceeds down this Step's exit when both following conditions are met:

  1. Alexa returns the sessionEndedRequest during an ongoing session in the selected skill. This may happen in the following cases:

    • The end user says exit or quit.
    • The end user does not respond.
    • The end user says something that does not match an intent defined in your voice interface while the device is listening for their response.
    • An error occurs.
  2. The Step that receives the sessionEndedRequest in the intent Flow does not allow handling of the session ended event.

Warning! Alexa Steps that interact with the end user should not be used in a Flow started by this Step. The Flow logic built on its exit cannot be used to begin a new Alexa session.


Before building Flows using the Alexa toolkit, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Custom Alexa skill with at least one intent in the Amazon developers console. Read more on how to create Alexa skills here.
  2. Install the Alexa Skill Adapter flow. See the instruction here.
  3. Create an authorization of your account with the Amazon developer account. See the instructions in the Add an authorization modal of the Authorization section of an Alexa Step.

Alexa Skill Adapter Flow

The Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is required to manage the interactions between and the Amazon developer console. To install it take the following steps:

  1. Add any gateway Step template from the Alexa toolkit to the Flow. For example, a Wait for Intent (Alexa) Step.
  2. Go to the Details tab of the added Step. The Authorization collapsible group contains a warning message with the Install Adapter button. Click to install the adapter Flow. After the installation is completed, a respective message should appear.

Note: In case Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is deactivated or deleted, a respective alert will pop up in the gateway Step of the Flow with a button to fix the problem.


To set up an authorization, select one of the two options:

Create new authorization

To create a new authorization, do the following:

  1. Click the Gear button, then Add, or select to Create new authorization in the dropdown.
  2. A modal window for creating a new authorization will pop up. Follow the instructions in the modal's collapsible. When finished, the created Authorization name should be added to the list in the dropdown. Click Gear > Refresh to update the list of authorizations.
  3. Select respective Authorization name in the dropdown.

Select authorization in current step

The Authorization dropdown lists every authorization added to your account.

  • To choose an authorization, select its name in the dropdown.

The Gear button contains options to Add a new or Delete an existing authorization, as well as to Refresh the list of added authorizations.

In case some changes were made to the authorization, an option to Reauthorize is available. To do that, click the respective button, then:

  1. Click Reauthorize now in the modal window. A new Amazon tab will open.
  2. Enter the login and password of the Alexa developer account.
  3. Click Allow.

Alexa skill

If the authorization was successful, the Alexa skill dropdown should contain the list of available custom skills created in the connected Amazon developer console.

  • To choose a skill, select its name in the dropdown.

Click the Refresh button to update the list of available skills. Click the Refresh skill interaction model to get the latest version of the selected skill.

After a skill has been selected, the Step checks the following settings:

Endpoint URL

Endpoint URL should be updated automatically by the Step. In case it fails, a link to copy the Endpoint URL becomes available. To set it manually do the following:

  1. Open the Alexa developer console.
  2. Select the respective skill.
  3. Select Build > Endpoint, then select the HTTPS option as the Service Endpoint Type.
  4. Paste the Endpoint URL value in the respective field of the required region.
  5. Set the respective SSL certificate type as My development endpoint is a sub-domain of a domain that has a wildcard certificate from a certificate authority.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Go to Build, then click Build Skill.
  8. Return to the Flow after the skill has been updated and click Refresh skill interaction model.

Auto Delegation

Auto Delegation should be turned off automatically by the Step. In case it fails, a respective alert should pop up on Step UI. To turn it off manually do the following:

  1. Open the Alexa developer console.
  2. Select the respective skill.
  3. Select Build > Interfaces.
  4. Turn off the Auto Delegation toggle.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Go to Build, then click Build Skill.
  7. Return to the Flow after the skill has been updated and click Refresh skill interaction model.

Advanced settings

The lifespan of the Flow is set in the Flow session timeout field. It defaults to 20 minutes, its limits are between 30 seconds and 48 hours. Examples of acceptable time formats: 32h 3m 12s or 230m.

Merge field settings

The output data of the Step is stored in a JSON object under the name provided in the Merge field name. To learn more about Merge fields, their types, and how to work with them, follow this link.

Output example

The Step outputs the full input JSON object sent by Alexa in its request property.

See below the structure of the Merge field object:

    "version": "1.0",
    "session": {
      "new": false,
      "sessionId": "",
      "application": {
        "applicationId": ""
      "attributes": {},
      "user": {
        "userId": ""
    "context": {
      "Viewports": [{}],
      "Viewport": {},
      "Extensions": {},
      "System": {}
    "request": {
      "type": "SessionEndedRequest",
      "requestId": "",
      "timestamp": "2021-09-28T14:03:27Z",
      "locale": "en-US",
      "reason": "USER_INITIATED"
    "version": "1.0",
    "session": {
      "new": false,
      "sessionId": "",
      "application": {
        "applicationId": ""
      "attributes": {},
      "user": {
        "userId": ""
    "context": {
      "Viewports": [{}],
      "Viewport": {},
      "Extensions": {},
      "System": {}
    "request": {
      "type": "SessionEndedRequest",
      "requestId": "",
      "timestamp": "2021-09-28T14:03:27Z",
      "locale": "en-US",
      "reason": "USER_INITIATED"


The Step automatically generates Reporting events during its execution, allowing for real-time tracking and analysis of its performance and user interactions. To learn more about Reporting events, follow this link.

Services dependencies

  • Alexa Skill Adapter v3.0.0 or upper

Release notes


  • Minor UI changes


  • Update Authorization manager 1.2.10


  • Update Adapter version v3.0.1


  • Update output example
  • Implement Adapter Manager
  • Requires Alexa Skill Adapter v3.0.0


  • Added skill locale support (updated events trigger path).
  • This version requires to use Alexa Adapter v2.0.0
  • Alexa Skill Adapter v3.0.0 or upper