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Send Message (Alexa) v3.0.0 Help

Continues Flow execution while delivering a message to the end user. Should not be used as the last Alexa Step in the conversation.

Note: Steps of the Alexa toolkit work only with existing custom Alexa skills with the method to host your skill's backend resources selected as Provision your own. The skill interaction model must be built with intents and slots on the Amazon developer colsole prior to building solutions with the Alexa toolkit.

How can I use the Step?

You can use this Step to provide information to, process received information or delay requesting new input from the end user. This Step sends a progressive response to the ongoing Alexa session. Read more about it here.

It can be useful if you need to play prerecorded audio, provide guidance, execute non-Alexa steps that take some time, or inform the end user, etc., before continuing the session using Request Response (Alexa), Request Confirmation (Alexa), Advanced Request Response (Alexa), Trigger Intent Flow Steps, or ending it using End Session (Alexa) or Advanced End Session (Alexa) Steps.

How does the Step work?

You define the message content. When the Flow enters the Step, Alexa starts delivering the defined message to the end user while the Flow continues its execution down the next exit.

Warning: This Step should not be used as the last Step in an Alexa Flow. Another Step that requests data or confirmation from the end user or ends the session should be placed in the logic on its next exit. Alexa starts delivering a new message only after it finishes delivering the message defined in this Step.


Before building Flows using the Alexa toolkit, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Custom Alexa skill with at least one intent in the Amazon developers console. Read more on how to create Alexa skills here.
  2. Install the Alexa Skill Adapter flow. See the instruction here.
  3. Create an authorization of your account with the Amazon developer account. See the instructions in the Add an authorization modal of the Authorization section of an Alexa Step.

Alexa Skill Adapter Flow

The Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is required to manage the interactions between and the Amazon developer console. To install it take the following steps:

  1. Add any gateway Step template from the Alexa toolkit to the Flow. For example, a Wait for Intent (Alexa) Step.
  2. Go to the Details tab of the added Step. The Authorization collapsible group contains a warning message with the Install Adapter button. Click to install the adapter Flow. After the installation is completed, a respective message should appear.

Note: In case Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is deactivated or deleted, a respective alert will pop up in the gateway Step of the Flow with a button to fix the problem.

Message content

This section defines the message that Alexa delivers to the end user. Set it up using one of the following options:

Note: Regardless of the selected option, it is advisable to test the message in the Alexa development console to make sure it is reproduced correctly.

Text to speech

The Text to speech option allows you to define the outbound message as plain text that Alexa converts into speech and says to the end user. The Text to speech input should not exceed 600 characters. Unpronounceable Unicode characters, i.e. <, >, &, shouldn't be used.

Audio file

Use the Audio file option to make Alexa play prerecorded audio instead of narrating a text.

The Audio file URL input must begin with https:// and lead to a file in mp3 format. The outbound message can contain an audio of up to 30s. All audio file limits are described in the link under the ? icon.


SSML stands for Speech Synthesis Markup Language. The SSML option can be used to create a more complex, nuanced message using the built-in Alexa SSML. The message may contain text to speech and audio inputs, as well as other options allowed by Alexa. Use the SSML tags in the SSML field input. Unpronounceable Unicode characters, i.e. <, >, &, shouldn't be used in the <speak> tag.

Error handling

By default, the Step handles errors using a separate exit. If an error occurs during the Step execution, the Flow proceeds down the error exit, e.g. an active Alexa session isn't found. For more information on error handling, follow this link.


The Step automatically generates Reporting events during its execution, allowing for real-time tracking and analysis of its performance and user interactions. To learn more about Reporting events, follow this link.

Services dependencies

  • Alexa Skill Adapter v3.0.0 or upper

Release notes