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Respond to Can Fulfill Intent Request (Alexa) v3.0.3 Help

Sends a response to Alexa's can fulfill intent request.

Note: Steps of the Alexa toolkit work only with existing custom Alexa skills with the method to host your skill's backend resources selected as Provision your own. The skill interaction model must be built with intents and slots on the Amazon developer colsole prior to building solutions with the Alexa toolkit.

How can I use the Step?

You can use this Step to build a Flow that processes can fulfill intent requests. Read more about can fulfill intent requests and how to implement them.

Place this Step in a Flow that starts Wait for Can Fulfill Intent Request (Alexa) Step. You can use the Flow to analyze how Alexa interprets particular slots within the given intent. Use the Step to provide the appropriate feedback to Alexa.

Note: Processing the CanFulfillIntentRequest does not influence the ongoing conversation nor makes any changes to the skill. It can only be used to potentially influence how Alexa interprets similar slot values in the future.

How does the Step work?

You select how to respond to the can fulfill intent request. When the Flow enters the Step, it includes the selected data in its response to Alexa and proceeds down its exit.


Before building Flows using the Alexa toolkit, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Custom Alexa skill with at least one intent in the Amazon developers console. Read more on how to create Alexa skills here.
  2. Install the Alexa Skill Adapter flow. See the instruction here.
  3. Create an authorization of your account with the Amazon developer account. See the instructions in the Add an authorization modal of the Authorization section of an Alexa Step.

Alexa Skill Adapter Flow

The Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is required to manage the interactions between and the Amazon developer console. To install it take the following steps:

  1. Add any gateway Step template from the Alexa toolkit to the Flow. For example, a Wait for Intent (Alexa) Step.
  2. Go to the Details tab of the added Step. The Authorization collapsible group contains a warning message with the Install Adapter button. Click to install the adapter Flow. After the installation is completed, a respective message should appear.

Note: In case Alexa Skill Adapter Flow is deactivated or deleted, a respective alert will pop up in the gateway Step of the Flow with a button to fix the problem.

Response settings

In this section you select the data Step sends to Alexa in the response. See how the Step defines the canFulfill slot status and canFulfillIntent intent status, respectively. You have the following options:

  • Select the Set defined status for intent and all slots option to accept all statuses as defined by the Step.
  • Select the Set defined status for intent and selected slots and NO for other slots option to choose the slots whose defined status to accept. Define the slots via the Add slot button. The Slot name value is expected to exactly match an existing slot in the intent. All slots that belong to the intent but are not defined receive the canFulfill: 'NO' status.
  • Select the Set status for intent and all slots as NO to accept the canFulfillIntent: 'NO' for the intent and canFulfill: 'NO' for all its slots.

Slot status

The Step defines the canFulfill status of a slot depending on its entity resolutions status codes:

  • If a slot object includes the resolution property with one of its status codes equal ER_SUCCESS_MATCH, the Step returns canFulfill: YES for the respective slot.
  • If a slot object includes the resolution property with one of its status codes equal ER_SUCCESS_NO_MATCH, the Step returns canFulfill: NO for the respective slot.
  • If a slot object does not include the resolution property, Step returns canFulfill: 'MAYBE'.

Intent status

The Step defines the canFulfillIntent status depending on the canFulfill statuses of all its slots:

  • If all slots have canFulfill: 'YES', the intent receives canFulfillIntent: 'YES'.
  • If all slots have canFulfill: 'NO', the intent receives canFulfillIntent: 'NO'.
  • If at least one slot has a different status from the rest, the intent receives canFulfillIntent: 'MAYBE'.


The Step automatically generates Reporting events during its execution, allowing for real-time tracking and analysis of its performance and user interactions. To learn more about Reporting events, follow this link.

Services dependencies

  • Alexa Skill Adapter v3.0.0 or upper

Release notes