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Create Folder (Google Drive) v1.0.0 Help

Creates a new folder in the specified folder of the connected Google Drive account.

How can I use the Step?

Use this Step to create a new folder within an existing or the root folder of the connected Google Drive account. You can use the id of the created folder in the logic of the Flow to upload or move files to it, delete files from it, list or search through them using other Steps of the Google Drive toolkit.

How does the Step work?

You select an authorization connected to a Google Drive account and define the folder name and location. When this Step is reached during execution, it creates the folder, and the Flow proceeds down the next exit. An option to select the Flow behavior in case a folder with the defined name already exists is available.


To be able to use any Step from the Google Drive toolkit, first, you must do the following:

  1. Create a new or use an existing Google Cloud Project in your Google Cloud Console. To create a new project, follow these instructions.
  2. Create an Authorization by connecting your account with the Google Cloud Project. Find the step-by-step instructions on how to do this in the collapsible group of the respective Authorization type modal window.


To set up an authorization, do the following:

  1. Select the Authorization type in the dropdown.
  2. Select one of the two options:
  • Click the Select authorization in current step option to select an authorization from the respective dropdown in this Step. Use this option when you need to:
  • Select the Inherit from previous step option to choose the authorization used in the last executed Step of the Google Drive/Calendar toolkits in the Flow. Use this option when you have already created an authorization of the selected Authorization type and used it previously in the Flow.

Authorization type

The Google Drive and Google Calendar toolkits support two Authorization types:

The OAuth 2.0 authorization is used to authenticate as an end user and access user data in your app. It requires your app to request and receive consent from the user.

The Service account authorization is used to authenticate as a robot service account or to access resources on behalf of Google Workspace or Cloud Identity users through domain-wide delegation. A service account is a special kind of account used by an application rather than a person. Read more here.

Create a new authorization

To create a new authorization, do the following:

  1. Select the Authorization type in the respective dropdown.
  2. Click the Select authorization in current step button.
  3. Click the Gear button, then Add, or select to Create new authorization in the dropdown.
  4. A modal window for creating a new authorization will pop up. Follow the instructions in the modal's collapsible. When finished, the created Authorization name will be added to the list in the dropdown.
  5. Select respective Authorization name in the Select authorization in current step dropdown.

Select authorization in current step

The Select authorization in current step dropdown lists every authorization added to your account.

  • To choose an authorization, select its name in the dropdown.

The gear button contains options to Add a new or Delete an existing authorization, as well as to Refresh the list of added authorizations.

Click Edit to update the Service account authorization fields. You can also Reauthorize an OAuth 2.0 authorization.

Warning! If an external app was created in the OAuth Consent Screen, you need to reauthorize the created authorization in all Flows once approximately every 7 days.

Inherit from previous step

When you add a Step from the Google Drive/Calendar toolkit to the Flow, you are expected to manually choose the Authorization type and then an authorization from the respective dropdowns. If you add another Step from these toolkits to the Flow and their selected authorization types match, the option to Inherit from previous step is chosen by default. When selected, it continues to use the same authorization defined in the previous Step of the Google Drive/Calendar toolkit without needing to select it manually.

Warning! If the Inherit from previous step option is selected, but there is no Step with the matching Authorization type in the Flow, the Step results in an error.

Folder settings

To set up this section, take the following steps:

  1. Provide the Folder name.
  2. Choose the Location on the Google Drive where to create the folder.

Note: In case a folder with the defined name and location already exists, no folder is created, and the Flow proceeds down the exit defined in the Conflict handling section.

Folder name

The Folder name input can be up to 255 characters and cannot include the \ character.


By default, the Step adds the created folder to the Root folder of the connected Google Drive account. To add it to a Specific folder, select that option, then provide the Folder ID value. Folder ID is a unique identifier of an existing folder in a Google Drive account.

Note: You can extract Folder ID as a Merge field value with the help of List Items in Folder (Google Drive) or Find Items (Google Drive) Steps.

Conflict handling

By default, if the connected Google Drive account already contains a folder with the defined name in the selected location, the Flow proceeds down the exists exit. An option to Select the exit in case folder already exists allows you to take the Flow down the next or error exit.

Caution: The Step removes the exists exit if you select a different option.

Merge field settings

The Step stores the output data in a JSON object under the name provided in the Merge field name. To learn more about Merge fields, their types, and how to work with them, follow this link.

Output example

The output data includes the following properties:

folderobjectIncludes the id, name and parents properties of the created folder.
idstringThe Folder ID of the created folder.
namestringThe name of the created folder.
parentsarrayAnd array containing the Folder ID value of the folder in which the folder is created.

See below an example of the Merge field object's structure:

  "folder": {
    "id": "",
    "name": "",
    "parents": []
  "folder": {
    "id": "",
    "name": "",
    "parents": []

The output data is the same for the next and exists exits.

Error handling

By default, the Step handles errors using a separate exit. If an error occurs during the Step execution (e.g., if the authorization data is invalid), the Flow proceeds down the error exit. For more information on error handling, follow this link.


The Step automatically generates Reporting events during its execution, allowing for real-time tracking and analysis of its performance and user interactions. To learn more about Reporting events, follow this link.

Services dependencies

  • flow-builder v2.32.0
  • authorization manager v1.2.10

Release notes


  • Initial release