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Modify Access Credentials v2.0.1 Help

Modifies existing access credentials and related attributes in the specified credentials collection.

How can I use the Step?

The Step lets you modify access credentials for Basic and Bearer HTTP authentication schemes. You can apply changes to credentials stored in different collections, allowing you to manage various authentication systems within a single account.

How does the Step work?

The Step retrieves the specified access credentials from a collection in your key-value storage. It then modifies these credentials based on the parameters you've set, such as updating usernames, passwords, tokens, and other associated attributes. After modification, the credentials are immediately available for use and further management with other Steps in the Access Credentials bundle.

Credentials type and collection

To set up the section, do the following:

  1. Select the credentials type.
  2. Select the collection within your key-value storage where credentials are stored.
  3. Optional: Turn the Made disabled toggle on to make access credentials disabled.

Credentials to change

To set up this section, do the following:

  1. Enter a username/password pair or token you want to change.
  2. Optional: Disable the Check password match toggle to modify the username and password regardless of the password match.

Changed credentials

Modify credentials here. Set a new username/password and update the description. For the bearer token, you can only modify the description, but the token itself remains unchanged.

  • Username: Must be a UTF-8 string, no more than 1024 bytes, and not contain a colon character :.
  • Password: Must be a UTF-8 string, no less than 16 and no more than 64 bytes (for most cases, it means from 8 to 32 symbols).
  • Description: Credential-related information with no length or character limits. Stored with the credentials and included in the output object.

Expiration time

For Credentials expiration time, select one of the following options:

  • Don't change: Expiration time remains unchanged.
  • Never: Credentials never expire.
  • After interval: Credentials expire after a time interval, set in the Specify interval field. The time interval must be a string in a valid data format (default is 24 h).
  • On a specific date: Credentials expire on a specific date, selected in the Choose a date picker.


Modify credentials attributes using various saving options and editing modes. Attributes are stored with access credentials and included in the resulting JSON. To learn more, see the Output-example).

Attributes Saving Options

Here are the available options for saving attributes:

  • Replace all attributes: Replaces the current attributes object with the new one you provide.
  • Merge and overwrite existing: Combines the new attributes object with the existing one, updating the values of any matching keys.
  • Merge and preserve existing: Adds the new attributes to the existing object without altering the values of existing keys that match.

Attributes Editing Mode

For editing attributes, you have two modes to choose from:

  • Key-Value: Enables manual object creation. Attribute names and values need to be UTF-8 strings but have no length, symbol, or entry count limitations.
  • Code: Allows you to build an object using JSON format. It starts with a default {"key": "value"} and places no restrictions on the number of entries you can have.

Merge field settings

The Step returns the result as a JSON object and stores it under the Merge field name. To learn more about Merge fields and how to work with them, see our Merge fields guide.

Output example

The output JSON object depends on the development and the settings you provide. It contains information about the created credentials and related data, including description, expiration time, and attributes.

For example, if you create access credentials using a username and password, a successful Step response might look like this:

    "modified": true,
    "message": "Credentials modified.",
    "disabled": true,
    "description": "Disable credentials, replace attributes, expiration time without changes.",
    "attributes": {
        "email": ""
    "created": 1655484682233
    "modified": true,
    "message": "Credentials modified.",
    "disabled": true,
    "description": "Disable credentials, replace attributes, expiration time without changes.",
    "attributes": {
        "email": ""
    "created": 1655484682233

Error Handling

By default, the Step handles errors using a separate exit. So if any error occurs during the Step execution, the Flow proceeds down the error exit. For more information, see Error and timeout handling.


The Step automatically generates Reporting events during its execution, allowing for real-time tracking and analysis of its performance and user interactions. To learn more, see Reporting events

Service dependencies

  • flow builder v2.34.0
  • studio v3.71.0
  • bot deployer v2.22.4
  • library v2.18.4

Release notes


  • Initial release